Thursday, 19 July 2012

First Time for Everything

It has been a while since I have posted, so I thought it was time to play catch up.

It has been a whirl wind in our world at KIC. I feel like we are busier then ever with new patient inquiries, updating marketing materials and planning for future conventions. San Francisco Pride is a just a few weeks away and Dr. Samit and myself are in the final stages of planning. It will be a quick weekend trip to San Francisco for Pride and KIC will have an exhibitor booth. I am trying to reach out to local clients to let them know about our presence there, so hopefully we can meet in person.

In other news while we have lots of good things happening at KIC there are always those down times as well. In the last few weeks we have had two clients whose surrogates have miscarried. In third party reproduction it is common as you are dealing with three different parties therefore proving more difficult. The first one is where I had to make the call myself to the client once I rec'd the new from India. Not only were our clients heartbroken, but I was as well. It is one of the hardest things to have to tell someone, so I can only imagine how our clients felt.

Our second set of clients just recently rec'd word that things haven't worked out for them either. I am heartbroken for them as well. They are the sweetest couple and I wish nothing but luck their way. They are one of the few clients I have got to meet in person, so I feel a much more personal connection to them. I know in my heart though that these experiences will only make us all stronger and that in the end everyone will get their happy ending. I continue to pray for our clients, their surrogates, my team members in India who make this all possible.

"If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm." - Mahatma Ghandi

For Original article, click here >>

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