I rec'd word that two sets of clients who had initially had negative tests the first time around had surrogates who tested positive for a pregnancy. It is still early, but the initial sign is good. One couple had used all of their embryos from the first donor, so opted for a different donor the second time around. The other couple still had embryos remaining from the initial donor, which has resulted in an initial positive test.
The initial test is testing the Beta HCG Values, which I had to research as a client asked me and I wasn't even sure. According to Babymed.com the definition of Beta HCG Level in early pregnancy means the following:
"HCG stands for "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", the pregnancy hormone which is produced by the placenta and enters the blood soon after implantation and is detected with pregnancy tests. HCG is being produced by the placenta and enters the blood stream as soon as implantation happens, about one week after fertilization and ovulation, when the embryo implants and the placenta attaches to the uterine lining.
:: hCG under 5 mIU/ml: Negative. Not pregnant
:: hCG between 5-25 mIU/ml: "Equivocal". Maybe pregnant maybe not. Repeat test in a couple of days
:: hCG over 25 mIU/ml:You are pregnant! "
Overall I am going to keep sending positive thoughts to my clients and hopes that the next test which is done in 3 days is still positive. I am anxious just thinking about it, so I can only imagine how they feel.
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The initial test is testing the Beta HCG Values, which I had to research as a client asked me and I wasn't even sure. According to Babymed.com the definition of Beta HCG Level in early pregnancy means the following:
"HCG stands for "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", the pregnancy hormone which is produced by the placenta and enters the blood soon after implantation and is detected with pregnancy tests. HCG is being produced by the placenta and enters the blood stream as soon as implantation happens, about one week after fertilization and ovulation, when the embryo implants and the placenta attaches to the uterine lining.
:: hCG under 5 mIU/ml: Negative. Not pregnant
:: hCG between 5-25 mIU/ml: "Equivocal". Maybe pregnant maybe not. Repeat test in a couple of days
:: hCG over 25 mIU/ml:You are pregnant! "
Overall I am going to keep sending positive thoughts to my clients and hopes that the next test which is done in 3 days is still positive. I am anxious just thinking about it, so I can only imagine how they feel.
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